Summer 2020 has caused many of us to change our plans, find new hobbies or interests to fill our time, and explore new and creative ways to connect virtually. Here’s what some of our students and faculty have been up to this summer!

Hollie Eggleston, a senior majoring in International Relations with a Global Studies concentration, had an internship with Slaven Law Group in Chesapeake, Virginia. “During my time there I was able to work alongside the primary attorney, Ronald Slaven, Jr., Esquire, and two paralegals,” she said. Eggleston worked on tasks “that ranged from drafting demand letters, Wills, Advanced Medical Directives, and Writs of Attachment to filing Subpoenas and Warrants in Debt with the Chesapeake court system.” She was also able to experience court cases including custody hearings and lawsuits. “By participating in this internship, I was able to experience a glimpse of what a career as an attorney would have in store for me!” Eggleston said of the experience.

Virginia Wingo, a sophomore majoring in Political Science and Philosophy with a concentration in Legal Studies worked at Enercon technologies in Grey, Maine. “I helped make parts that went into the ID Now COVID test kits. I got the opportunity to volunteer at a cat shelter a few times!” she explained. “It was an interesting experience! I felt like part of something larger than myself. I got to meet so many amazing people and I also got to help out in a small way during all this craziness!” she said about this summer.

Emily Cranford, a junior with a Political Science major, a Spanish minor, and an East Asian Studies concentration. She “worked full time, bought a lot of plants, [and] got back into reading.” “I have a summer job that I work at every year. This summer I got a promotion and got to work closer with some of my coworkers. I have been reading a lot more than in recent summers which has been a lot of fun,” she said.
Stay tuned for more on what our students did this summer!
Casey Wilson
Contributing Writer